Andrey Leonov

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Date of birth: 29 September 1978

Location: Moscow, Russia

Profiles in citation systems:
Web of Science, Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ИСТИНА.

Scientific publications:
Telecom, Virtual heritage and 3D documents, Dynamic documents



"Yana. 27 years behind the Polar Circle". My grandfather's book of memories. Life and work of geologists in USSR in 1939-1964.



Calatog of geysers of the Valley of Geysers and Uzon Caldera (Kronotsky Reserve, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia). History and state-of-the-art. 384 pages, 553 illustrations, unique photos and schemes.



Lectures on Tech Writing and E-docs for MIPT students (held in 2006-2012).


Articles in mass media


Леонов А.«Серьёзные игры» ФСК ЕЭС // "Промышленный еженедельник", № 21 (564), 2015 (PDF)

Ваганов А. Г., Леонов А. В.Гиперболоид инженера Шухова // "Независимая газета", 23.04.2014

Конышев В. А., Леонов А. В.Наука при новом феодализме // "Новая газета", 13.02.2014 (копия)

Леонов А. В., Чебров Д. В.Расписание на завтра // "Российская газета", № 5782 (109), 16.05.2012



Student publications


Work experience


Deputy CEO

Private company (T8). R&D, production and sales of telecom equipment (DWDM/OTN).

General management, R&D, OrgDev, BizDev, PR&communications.



Academic career. Doctor of Sciences (D.Sc.): Thesis, Synopsis, Full information.

S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the RAS (IHST RAS).

Head of the Center for virtual history of science and technology. Use of virtual 3D modeling for investigation, preservation and presentation of cultural and natural heritage and scientific visualization. Main projects: Virtual Shukhov tower, Virtual Valley of Geysers, Virtual Cruiser "Aurora", Visualization of Geophysical Researches, Virtual Denisova Cave, Virtual Electrocar "Columbia", Virtual Electrical Plant "Abakan-regional".



Sales manager, CFO, CEO

Private company (Teralink). Sales of US/Can/UK telecom equipment for high-speed communiation network, both fiber optic and wireless (PON, Wi-Fi, WiMAX — ADC, EXFO, Terawave etc.).




Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

2005: Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.): Thesis, Synopsis

2001: Master of Science (M.Sc.), applied physics and mathematics

1999: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), applied physics and mathematics



Physical and Mathematical School at the Novosibirsk State University (CESC NSU), Novosibirsk